Unconditional Basic Income and Inequalities in Society
Maribor, Slovenija
March 19th and 20th, 2015
Zofijini Ljubimci, a civil organization from Maribor, Slovenija, on behalf of and cooperation with UBI-Europe – an alliance of individuals and organisations in support of unconditional basic income around Europe invite You to a conference where new social paradigms will be introduced and discussed – including Unconditional Basic Income (UBI). The possibilities of UBI to reduce inequalities will be researched and further action will be discussed.
The 3rd UBIE International Board meeting
(Pekarna magdalenske mreže, No 3 on the map of Maribor)
UBI as a response to Inequality in Society
Maribor, Slovenia, March 19th – 20th
Thursday, March 19th 2015 Nasco’s mansion,
(No 2 on the map of Maribor)
Friday, March 20th 2015 Pekarna magdalenske mreže,