27. 2. 2018 Vabila

Vabilo na generalno skupščino UTD Evrope

Invitation to the UBIE General Assembly in Göteborg, 25 March 2018

Dear UBIE members,

You have already received our invitation to the next UBIE network meeting on 23-25 March, 2018 in Göteborg, Sweden.

We would now also like to officially invite you to participate in the General Assembly on 25 March, 2018 from 9am to 3pm (Kulturhuset Falken, Falkgatan 7, 41667 Göteborg).

We propose the following agenda:

  1. Finalisation of the agenda
  2. Report of the Core Group
  3. Reports from the Working Groups
  4. Report of the Treasurer on the 2017 Budget
  5. Discharge of the Core Group
  6. Proposal for a Membership Fee for UBIE and proposal to change the application process for individual members
  7. Proposal for a Code of Conduct for UBIE
  8. Proposals for a pan-European campaign (new ECI) in 2018/19. (We will share details of the proposed campaign options in a separate email soon.)
  9. Adoption of a working plan for 2018
  10. Adoption of the 2018 budget
  11. Election of the new Core Group (Executive Committee). Members who are not present at the General Assembly will be also able to vote for the new Core Group electronically. We will communicate details on that in a separate mailing.
  12. Any other business

If you have further suggestions for the agenda or want to contribute to the proposed agenda points, please mail it to board@ubie.org and/or share it directly with all members via our Mailing List (ubi-europe@googlegroups.com).

A reminder on the programme plans for Friday and Saturday:

On Friday evening, you will be able to tune yourselves into the right mood at a lecture by Guy Standing in the Världskulturmuseet. Saturday, we plan to have various workshops (for which we welcome your ideas) both for the interested public as well as on UBIE internal projects – and a party in the evening!

We managed to get a deal with a nearby hostel so you can get accommodation at relatively low rates when booking via our registration form. Please note that places are running out here, so if you still need a bed, let us know asap!

Please register as soon as possible via our website:

Should you still have problems to finance your participation, please let us know – we have limited resources for modest reimbursements for UBIE members.

Looking forward to see you in Sweden!

Your UBIE Core Group:
Anja Askeland, Dániel Fehér, Aurélie Hampel, Ulrich Schachtschneider and Lena Stark
