14. 5. 2018 Obvestila, Vabila

Vabilo k pripravi plakata


Dear BIEN Affiliate,

BIEN’s executive and the organising committee of the upcoming 18th BIEN congress in Tampere, Finland, in August, would like to encourage all the affiliates of BIEN to produce a poster about the BI debate – progress and challenges – in their respective country.

We will produce a display of all the posters in a prominent site within the congress area that all participants at the congress – and wider publics – can visit. We intend that each affiliate will nominate a set of persons who can take turns to stand by their poster during designated times, and discuss its contents with visitors.

We hope this initiative will help everyone at the congress – as well as university students and others – to engage beyond the academic debates, with what is happening on the ground around the world.

Your posters can contain whatever information you feel is most important to convey. Ideas for material to include:

– A central message / heading that summarises the challenge in BI debate in the country

– Some further detail (with arrows or lines perhaps) into the different parts of this challenge, and the sources of it: You could mention something more abstract like the tone of national debate – giving an example. Or/and you can mention activist initiatives, or public initiatives that have defined the challenge, as you see it. In every case, try to give an example and some ‘light’ facts.

– In relation to the spin-offs, you might use some images to make the audience visualise the events/processes you are referring to.

The layout, colour, organization, and content of your posters is completely up to you. We’ve attached a template that is set to the correct poster display size in case you want some inspiration.

We will have a local liaison, who will help coordinate receipt, formatting and display of the posters. BIEN will cover the costs and will handle the logistics of printing these posters provided affiliates submit them by the deadline of August 1, 2018.

We ask all interested affiliates to confirm their interest by June 1st – with any questions, to Jenna van Draanen. We then would like affiliates to nominate a contact person for this initiative.

We have attached a template that you are welcome to use in Powerpoint and we will send further details about the posters to those who confirm interest.

Thanks, on behalf of the BIEN executive,

Jenna van Draanen
Executive Committee Member, Outreach Coordinator
Basic Income Earth Network

Vzorec (PDF)

Za več informacij pišite na: utd.slovenija@gmail.com
