21. 11. 2020  Splet

Annual Forum on Basic Income

Na letošnjem Irskem forumu o UTD bodo strokovnjakinje in strokovnjaki spregovorili o možnostih poskusne izvedbe brezpogojnega temeljnega dohodka na Irskem.

V soboto, 21. novembra 2020, 15:00 do 17:30, obvezna spletna prijava za udeležbo!

V angleščini:

This year’s Basic Income Ireland Forum will explore how best to pilot universal, unconditional basic income in Ireland.

Sat, 21 November 2020, 15:00 – 17:30 CET, Online Event

About this event

In June 2020, the new Programme for Government provided for a pilot of Universal Basic Income in the lifetime of the government. The Forum will provide an opportunity to learn from previous pilots and to prepare to engage with the Irish one.

Our three keynote speakers are international leaders in the design and evaluation of basic income pilots. They will draw on their experience and expertise to advise us on how the Irish pilot should be designed, implemented and evaluated.

Their contributions will be responded to by two Irish policy experts, and there will be plenty of time for participation by the audience.