
11. 3. 2019 Obvestila, Vabila

Campaign Mode On! 2019 UBIE General Assembly in Berlin

In just a few months time, citizens across Europe will be asked to elect a new European Parliament. As citizens, we aim for a new majority that wants to re-build solidarity in the EU and is open to discuss basic income as a new basis for a social Europe....
27. 2. 2018 Vabila

Vabilo na generalno skupščino UTD Evrope

Invitation to the UBIE General Assembly in Göteborg, 25 March 2018 Dear UBIE members, You have already received our invitation to the next UBIE network meeting on 23-25 March, 2018 in Göteborg, Sweden. We would now also like to officially invite you to participate in the General Assembly on...
5. 12. 2013 Posnetki

Valerija Korošec na kratko o univerzalnem temeljnem dohodku

Dr. Valerija Korošec na kratko o univerzalnem temeljnem dohodku Skupščina ljudstva 30. 11. 2013, Maribor