20. 11. 2020 Mnenja

Odziv na okroglo mizo o univerzalnem temeljnem dohodku

Mnenje večine sodelujočih na Socioloških dnevih temelji na ne-poznavanju UTD (kar je slovenska oznaka, mednarodna je BDT=brezpogojni temeljni dohodek) do sedaj že krepko dodelanih in razdelanih predvidevanj kaj naj bi UTD dejansko bil. BIEN, svetovna mreža za brezpogojni temeljni dohodek in UBIE, mreža na EU ravni, sta objavili že...
12. 10. 2020 Mnenja, Publikacije

Zakaj je UTD izvedljiv in nujen

Uvod UTD ne pomeni le kratkoročno uresničljivega, nujnega ter dolgoročno zagotovljenega izboljšanja kakovosti življenja za vse, še zlasti za najbolj prizadete – je precej več. Družbena funkcionalnost tega ukrepa je primerljiva z uvedbo socialne države. Tudi socialna država kot največja družboslovna inovacija 20. stoletja ni koristila samo materialno ter...
17. 6. 2020 Obvestila

Suspension of UBIE’s cooperation with the ECI Coordination Team

It is with grave concern that we have to inform you on recent developments in the preparation of the ECI Campaign “Start Unconditional Basic Incomes Throughout Europe”. We, as UBIE Core Group have made it, right from the beginning of our mandate, a priority to successfully prepare and organise...
27. 12. 2019 Obvestila

UBI 2019-20 Essay Prize

Win: €1000 The UBIEXP research group and the journal Ethics, Politics & Society (EPS),  from the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society, together with the Portuguese Basic Income association, invite submissions for the international essay prize competition on the following topic: “What (if Anything) Can Justify Basic Income Experiments?” The journal EPS welcomes essays of...
27. 12. 2019 Vabila

Conference on the political theory and the social policy analysis of basic income experiments

CALL FOR PAPERS July 1-3, 2020. ​University of Minho, Braga, Portugal Organizer: UBIEXP Research Project, Centre for Ethics, Politics & Society, University of Minho Collaborators: Stanford Basic Income Lab, Stanford University, & Associação Rendimento Básico Incondicional, Portugal Description: The debate about basic income requires our attention, especially when a growing number of countries...
26. 6. 2019 Obvestila

UBIE Core Group Working Programme 2019-21

At the General Assembly in Berlin on March 23 this year, you elected a new Core Group for a mandate of 24 months. The new Core Group met May 17-19 in Brussels for a retreat to discuss a working programme for the coming two years. In this mail, we...
25. 4. 2019 Obvestila

Report UBIE Berlin Meeting and General Assembly

From 21-24 March 2019 we met in Berlin to held up our 2019 general assembly, to discuss UBIE future and worked on our most important current projects. On Thursday we organized a well attended public evening debate about the topic “Basic Income Pilots: Death End or the Way Ahead?”...
11. 3. 2019 Obvestila, Vabila

Campaign Mode On! 2019 UBIE General Assembly in Berlin

In just a few months time, citizens across Europe will be asked to elect a new European Parliament. As citizens, we aim for a new majority that wants to re-build solidarity in the EU and is open to discuss basic income as a new basis for a social Europe....
11. 2. 2019 Obvestila, Vabila

ECI Proposal: Start Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)

From Friday 23th to Sunday 25th November about 40 UBIE members met in  Budapest to discuss the feasibility of a new European Citizenship  Initiative (ECI) and first steps of an ECI campaign. After viewing general criteria for a successful ECI like the credibility of the policy proposal, the impact...
27. 9. 2018 Vabila

ECI Weekend

23-25 November 2018, Budapest From Friday 23th to Sunday 25th November we will meet in Budapest to discuss the feasibility of a new European Citizenship Initiative (ECI), agree upon a subject text and plan first steps of an ECI campaign. There are different proposals for the subject of a...
16. 7. 2018 Obvestila, Vabila

Register now for the 1st UBIE Sommer School

Barcelona, 13-16 September 2018 We have some big news today for you: The first ever UBIE Summer School on the Politics of Basic Income will take place in Barcelona, from 13 to 16 September, 2018. Experts, policy-makers and civil society activists have been invited to speak about the opportunities...
14. 5. 2018 Obvestila, Vabila

Vabilo k pripravi plakata

Dear BIEN Affiliate, BIEN’s executive and the organising committee of the upcoming 18th BIEN congress in Tampere, Finland, in August, would like to encourage all the affiliates of BIEN to produce a poster about the BI debate – progress and challenges – in their respective country. We will produce a...
3. 5. 2018 Obvestila

Poziv za prispevke na konferenci v Freiburgu

Call for Papers BASIC INCOME AND THE EURO-DIVIDEND AS SOCIOPOLITICAL PILLARS OF THE EU AND ITS MEMBER COUNTRIES Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Freiburg, Germany October 11-12, 2018 Keynote Speakers: Olli Kangas (Kela, Finland) Philippe Van Parijs (Université catholique de Louvain) Antje Schrupp (freelance journalist) Mancolm Torry (London...
2. 3. 2018 Obvestila

UTD Evrope o ponovnem zbiranju podpisov za UTD

Nekaj delovnih dokumentov UTD Evrope (UBIE) v zvezi s pobudo za ponovno zbiranje podpisov za uvedbo UTD v Evropi. Odziv na kvantitativno evalvacijo raziskave o ponovni evropski državljanski pobudi za UTD v Evropi (angleščina, PDF) Za zagon univerzalnega temeljnega dohodka (angleščina, PDF) Evropska državljanska pobuda (ECI) o UTD –...
27. 2. 2018 Vabila

Vabilo na generalno skupščino UTD Evrope

Invitation to the UBIE General Assembly in Göteborg, 25 March 2018 Dear UBIE members, You have already received our invitation to the next UBIE network meeting on 23-25 March, 2018 in Göteborg, Sweden. We would now also like to officially invite you to participate in the General Assembly on...
29. 9. 2016 Obvestila

UTD srečanje v Budimpešti

Kratko poročilo o srečanju med avstrijskimi, madžarskimi in slovenskimi aktivisti UTD, ki je 24. in 25. septembra 2016 potekalo v Budimpešti. Z namenom okrepitve regionalnega sodelovanja v prid krepitve uveljavljanja in širjenja ideje UTD tako v vsaki državi posebej kot na ravni EU in njenih regij, se je v...
23. 10. 2015 Vabila

»Brez temeljnega dohodka ni svobode. UTD je neizogibna rešitev.«

V Budimpešti bo potekala mednarodna konferenca o UTD z naslovom »Brez temeljnega dohodka ni svobode. UTD je neizogibna rešitev.« V petek, 20. novembra 2015 in v soboto, 21. novembra 2015 bo v Budimpešti, Madžarska, mednarodno srečanje zagovornikov UTD v organizaciji Madžarske UTD organizacije in v sodelovanju z UBIE –...
26. 8. 2014 Obvestila

Prošnja za donacije

Sekcija za Univerzalni Temeljni Dohodek (UTD) že nekaj let uspešno deluje v okviru društva Zofijini ljubimci iz Maribora. V tem času je uspela številne Slovence seznaniti z idejo UTD, uspešna pa je tudi na mednarodnem področju. Med drugim smo Slovenci bili med najboljšimi pri zbiranju podpisov v podporo Evropski...