27. 9. 2018 Vabila
ECI Weekend
Avtor: Sekcija UTD
23-25 November 2018, Budapest From Friday 23th to Sunday 25th November we will meet in Budapest to discuss the feasibility of a new European Citizenship Initiative (ECI), agree upon a subject text and plan first steps of an ECI campaign. There are different proposals for the subject of a...
več16. 7. 2018 Obvestila, Vabila
Register now for the 1st UBIE Sommer School
Avtor: UBIE
Barcelona, 13-16 September 2018 We have some big news today for you: The first ever UBIE Summer School on the Politics of Basic Income will take place in Barcelona, from 13 to 16 September, 2018. Experts, policy-makers and civil society activists have been invited to speak about the opportunities...
več28. 6. 2018 Obvestila, Vabila
The 11th International Basic Income Week
Avtor: UBIE
The 11th International Basic Income Week is happening in September and we want you to be part of it! From 17th – 23th September 2018 unconditional basic income supporters around the world celebrate the 11th International Basic Income Week with local events and gatherings. This year’s motto: BASIC INCOME...
več5. 6. 2018 Vabila
UTD – plus ali minus sociala?
Avtor: OPRO
Ali hudič se skriva v podrobnostih s ‘terena’. Tudi v Mostah. V četrtek, 7. junija ob 18.30, okrogla miza, Center kulture Španski borci, bralnica Gostje: Anita Ogulin, predsednica Zveze prijateljev mladine Moste-Polje, Marjan Vončina, Simona Strnad direktor in strokovna sodelavka Centra za socialno delo Moste-Polje, dr. Urban Boljka, raziskovalec...
več14. 5. 2018 Obvestila, Vabila
Vabilo k pripravi plakata
Avtor: UBIE
Dear BIEN Affiliate, BIEN’s executive and the organising committee of the upcoming 18th BIEN congress in Tampere, Finland, in August, would like to encourage all the affiliates of BIEN to produce a poster about the BI debate – progress and challenges – in their respective country. We will produce a...
več7. 5. 2018 Obvestila, Vabila
Support UBIE youth in Strasbourg!
Avtor: UBIE
Unconditional Basic Income Europe has put together a great delegation to the European Parliament’s European Youth Event this June in Strasbourg. 20 people from 10 different countries are ready to carry our vision to MEPs and 5000 other delegates from all over Europe. They will also participate in a roundtable discussion ‘Basic Income: the Return...
več4. 5. 2018 Vabila
Stranke: med empatijo in preračunljivostjo
Avtor: Sekcija UTD
OPRO, zavod za aplikativne študije vabi na okroglo mizo z naslovom »Stranke: med empatijo in preračunljivostjo«, ki bo v četrtek, 10. 5. ob 18:30, potekal v Centru kulture Španski borci (bralnica). Bližnje volitve in s tem novačenje volivcev smo izrabili kot priložnost, da od nekaterih strankarskih veljakov dobimo odgovor,...
več14. 3. 2018 Obvestila, Vabila
Dan evropske državljanske pobude 2018: Delajmo skupaj
Avtor: UBIE
REGISTER HERE BY 4 APRIL Following the new European Commission proposal of September 2017, the European citizens’ initiative has new wind in its sails. It now faces a lot of changes, many of which may greatly simplify administrative and organizational burdens. These changes will soon be discussed in the three-way consultations between...
več10. 3. 2018 Vabila
Družba zastonj kosil
Avtor: Sekcija UTD
Na letošnjem festivalu dokumentarnega filma, ki bo med 14. in 21. marcem 2018 potekal v Cankarjevem domu, bo na programu tudi dokumentarni film Družba zastonj kosil (Free Lunch Society: Komm Komm Grundeinkommen), režija: Christian Tod, Avstrija, Nemčija, 2017. Film bo na sporedu 15. in 17. 3. v Cankarjevem domu. Dokumentarec spregovori...
več27. 2. 2018 Vabila
Vabilo na generalno skupščino UTD Evrope
Invitation to the UBIE General Assembly in Göteborg, 25 March 2018 Dear UBIE members, You have already received our invitation to the next UBIE network meeting on 23-25 March, 2018 in Göteborg, Sweden. We would now also like to officially invite you to participate in the General Assembly on...
več7. 2. 2018 Vabila
»UTD – garant starega ali napoved novega?«
Avtor: Sekcija UTD
OPRO, zavod za aplikativne študije vabi na okroglo mizo z naslovom »UTD – garant starega ali napoved novega?«. V četrtek, 15. 2., ob 18:30, v centru kulture Španski borci, bralnica Uvedba univerzalnega temeljnega dohodka lahko pomeni temeljno preoblikovanje sistema distribucije prihodka in vodi v bolj egalitaren in demokratičen svet....
več5. 1. 2018 Vabila
UTD ali nova socialna država
Avtor: Sekcija UTD
OPRO, zavod za aplikativne študije vabi na predavanje dr. Valerije Korošec z naslovom »UTD ali nova socialna država«. Predavanje bo v četrtek, 11. januar, ob 18:30, v Centru kulture Španski borci, bralnica. “Skušala sem napisati ‘alternativni program reforme socialne države’, ker sem bila prepričana takrat in sem prepričana sedaj,...